Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon

yeah i like pokemon. im tryin to get the 3 SHINY gyaaoo pokemon. Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos. So much soft resents and stil no shiny moltres. Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon. Yeah i like pokemon. oops wrote that twice.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fireflies on Piano

Testing. If work, MY FIREFLIES VID

Have i been stalked?

I was at Tasty Togo, to get my favorite milk tea, and ii was wearin my glasses so i couldnt see that wel. After i ordered my boba, i went to the restroom. Before i entered, i saw somebody with a jacket. I went in, to take a pee (whew, im lucky) and when i tried openin the door, it didn't budge. I txted my dad, and i tried openin the door once more. It opened at raymond and kevin yip was there. Raymond said, "Heeyy maann" and i tried leaving but kevin yip was walking very slowly in front of me. Prob they dun like me cause i ofended fobs on FB :/

Monday, April 4, 2011

What i Hate!

First of all, i hate most vegetables. Second is when people write "Lol" or "ROFL" because most people dont really "Laugh Out Loud" or actually "Roll on the Floor Laughing". I dont care if its just a way of saying things. Its just really dumb. I only have 7 followers so hopefully i can send this message to 7 people of millions of civilians. Thank you for your support.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Shes Climbin ur Windows

Theres a rapist in this town. Her name is JP (cant give out identity) and on Facebook, she's been talking Poopy about a lot of ppl. She was "saying" cuss words. She doesn't even have proper grammar. I only made this because i couldn't even understand one thing she said. BTW I FOUND OUT WAT A CONVO IS

The Giant

I watched the princess diary thing. I found out that the big guy is a wrestler, so i searched him up. This was last week, but i was watching The Giant vs The Hulk (hogan) It was so intense. I learned that Andre (named the giant) is the Eighth Wonder of the World. He drank so much beer. Well i dont know why i posted this. If you want some humor, go to youtube and search up Dcigs. The titles should say like Angry Black man at KFC or wutnot